


普段使うデプロイコマンドを書き出していきます。 Capistranoのデプロイコマンド一覧 ``` bundle exec cap -T cap bundler:install # Install the current Bundler environment cap bundler:map_bins # Maps all binaries to use `bundle exec` by default cap deploy # Deploy a new release cap deploy:check # Check required files and directories exist cap deploy:check:directories # Check shared and release directories exist cap deploy:check:linked_dirs # Check directories to be linked exist in shared cap deploy:check:linked_files # Check files to be linked exist in shared cap deploy:check:make_linked_dirs # Check directories of files to be linked exist in shared cap deploy:cleanup # Clean up old releases cap deploy:cleanup_assets # Cleanup expired assets cap deploy:cleanup_rollback # Remove and archive rolled-back release cap deploy:compile_assets # Compile assets cap deploy:finished # Finished cap deploy:finishing # Finish the deployment, clean up server(s) cap deploy:finishing_rollback # Finish the rollback, clean up server(s) cap deploy:log_revision # Log details of the deploy cap deploy:migrate # Runs rake db:migrate if migrations are set cap deploy:normalize_assets # Normalize asset timestamps cap deploy:published # Published cap deploy:publishing # Publish the release cap deploy:restart # Restart application cap deploy:revert_release # Revert to previous release timestamp cap deploy:reverted # Reverted cap deploy:reverting # Revert server(s) to previous release cap deploy:rollback # Rollback to previous release cap deploy:rollback_assets # Rollback assets cap deploy:set_current_revision # Place a REVISION file with the current revision SHA in the current release path cap deploy:started # Started cap deploy:starting # Start a deployment, make sure server(s) ready cap deploy:symlink:linked_dirs # Symlink linked directories cap deploy:symlink:linked_files # Symlink linked files cap deploy:symlink:release # Symlink release to current cap deploy:symlink:shared # Symlink files and directories from shared to release cap deploy:updated # Updated cap deploy:updating # Update server(s) by setting up a new release cap install # Install Capistrano, cap install STAGES=staging,production cap unicorn:add_worker # Add a worker (TTIN) cap unicorn:duplicate # Duplicate Unicorn; alias of unicorn:restart cap unicorn:legacy_restart # Legacy Restart (USR2 + QUIT); use this when preload_app: true and oldbin pid needs cleanup cap unicorn:reload # Reload Unicorn (HUP); use this when preload_app: false cap unicorn:remove_worker # Remove a worker (TTOU) cap unicorn:restart # Restart Unicorn (USR2); use this when preload_app: true cap unicorn:start # Start Unicorn cap unicorn:stop # Stop Unicorn (QUIT) ``` 基本的なデプロイするコマンド ``` # prodcutionはデプロイする環境によって変更 bundle exec cap production deploy ``` デプロイする先のデプロイチェック ``` bundle exec cap production deploy:check ``` unicornのリスタート ``` bundle exec cap unicorn:restart ``` 使いたい機能は `cap -T` してみるといいと思います。